Man.. It's a small world on the internet..
The guy that runs that airfield site is near me
here in Houston. I was doing some research of
sorts on the old "Sam Houston " airport that used
to be just south of here.
I stumbled across that site, and found that his
location of Sam Houston was off a bit. He had it
east of where it actually was..
I gave him some info to fine tune the location
of the field, and also a picture of a guy landing a
plane at that field.
The plane was built by Anderson-Greenwood at that
airport. Anyway, I'm the "Mark Keith" that he credits
for the pix and info. I drew him a diagram of the
runways on top of a 1959 map of the site I dug up.
I just recently got a better aerial pix of the airport
taken in 1947, and my guesses about the runway layout
were pretty close. It's all houses on top of that field
now. But, I bet a guy with a tecter could find a few
relics in some of those yards.. I'm also pretty common
on a local architecture forum that yaks about "old"
Houston nearly constantly. Get lots of good info and
tips, and pix from there. Thats where I just got the
1947 Sam Houston pix.. I guess I oughta send that to
Paul.. He might want to add it to his site.. It's a
pretty good picture.