Target your research to what you want to find...
Search only in the timeframe of what you are looking for....
If an index is available of a historical resource(ie newspaper, local history book,) use it and look for key works. ie fair, picnic, camp, etc..
Make long and copious notes about what you have found. Try to get muliple sources when possible, then find a period map and make logical assumptions about where said activity took place.
If all else fails get a period newspaper on microfilm and brouse it until you come across something.
Search only in the timeframe of what you are looking for....
If an index is available of a historical resource(ie newspaper, local history book,) use it and look for key works. ie fair, picnic, camp, etc..
Make long and copious notes about what you have found. Try to get muliple sources when possible, then find a period map and make logical assumptions about where said activity took place.
If all else fails get a period newspaper on microfilm and brouse it until you come across something.