BE CAREFUL GOING OUTSIDE!!!...that sub-zero wind can play a bad game with your lungs...:angry:I have been walking out in it without my yap covered;now I am afraid I got either bronchitis,or that big P-word...Having asthma;I am susceptible to both of them...for an added dose of enjoyment;my wife told me this morning that my neighbor needs his van jumped...AGAIN......He is house-bound;has a cleaning lady come in once a week-she goes to use his van...
NADA;in this weather...The kicker??His van has less than 8,000 miles on it-has had it in the shop TWICE-"Nothin wrong"...SO:Every other week ;or thereabouts,I have to jump his van-AND drive it some miles-OF course;he insists with the heater off;to charge the battery-IN THIS WEATHER???
Im already sick-that aint happening right now....that cleaning lady insists she doesnt know how to jump a vehicle with HER car-WELL THEN:I would be HAPPY to show her-in warmer weather;of course...