So I sent the request to Minelab.
If enough of us ask, it may inspire them to make such a hand held pin-pointer.
Maybe someone else can also mention ( I forgot to) for it to be an option to use it as an inline pinpointer for the Equinox but just as useful on it's own as a handheld pinpointer.
Dear Minelab,
I'm spending money and buying other brands of hand held electronic metal detecting pin-pointers. I may even by one of the current Minelab versions. I have done this to use with the many other Minelab and other brand detectors I own, including the latest Equinox 800. I am sure you realise that a hand held held pin pointer speeds the recovery of detected targets and help in limiting the size of any hole to be dug. It's certainly a handy tool to have and a wireless one that would "signal off" with the Equinox's audio tone's, maybe vibration and/or a light, when it approaches the detected metal target, say about 40mm plus or so range on eg: Australian 1 pre decimal 1/2 penny, would be truly useful to me and I am sure to many others.
Could you please make us a wireless, in-line, fully featured hand held pin-pointer that will sync with the Minelab Equinox so that the tones can be heard through what ever earphones we use?
There are already a couple of metal detector manufacturing companies that have done this with their product line and having such for the Mnelab Equinox , I think like many others, would only enhance the experience with this detector.
Kind Regards
Davide Di Prospero
Mob 0412643950
Western Australia
If enough of us ask, it may inspire them to make such a hand held pin-pointer.
Maybe someone else can also mention ( I forgot to) for it to be an option to use it as an inline pinpointer for the Equinox but just as useful on it's own as a handheld pinpointer.
Dear Minelab,
I'm spending money and buying other brands of hand held electronic metal detecting pin-pointers. I may even by one of the current Minelab versions. I have done this to use with the many other Minelab and other brand detectors I own, including the latest Equinox 800. I am sure you realise that a hand held held pin pointer speeds the recovery of detected targets and help in limiting the size of any hole to be dug. It's certainly a handy tool to have and a wireless one that would "signal off" with the Equinox's audio tone's, maybe vibration and/or a light, when it approaches the detected metal target, say about 40mm plus or so range on eg: Australian 1 pre decimal 1/2 penny, would be truly useful to me and I am sure to many others.
Could you please make us a wireless, in-line, fully featured hand held pin-pointer that will sync with the Minelab Equinox so that the tones can be heard through what ever earphones we use?
There are already a couple of metal detector manufacturing companies that have done this with their product line and having such for the Mnelab Equinox , I think like many others, would only enhance the experience with this detector.
Kind Regards
Davide Di Prospero
Mob 0412643950
Western Australia