New member
I took a drive today to get away from some snow on the valley floor. Ended up in the little town of Payette Idaho. No snow there but it was pretty cold out. I found an old vacant house and started swingin. The house was built in 1909 and to my surprise it had very few targets and even less trash. It almost seemed like the yard got covered by a blanket in 1930 and was untouched by man until I can along. All of the targets were right around 7-8 inches deep. I typically don't dig the 12:33-37 range because of all the zincolns that I'm used to getting but given these #'s were 7-8 inches deep I though I had better investigate them. I was using combined, ferrous coin, deep on, fast off, auto +3 and a slightly modified coin program. I found that for the most part in my soil conditions the indians were coming in a little high at around 12:36-37 and then once removed they dropped to the classic 12:35. The 1898 was kinda bouncy and when I re-checked the hole I discovered the 1905 that I nicked. Dang it. The Canadian cent was a solid 12:35 at 7 inches and I thought for sure I had another indian. No silvers to be found though. I searched that yard up and down with high hopes but the yard just wouldn't cough it up. I had a blast and overall all I'm certain that the coins from this hunt averaged out to be my oldest hunt to date. Cheers, stay warm.