It was just an unbelievable evening. The sky was overcast, and zero wind. The lake was so silvery that I felt like I was standing in a sea of quicksilver. Thousands of little fish were breaking the surface tension on the water, making circles everywhere around me. The beach was quiet, except for a romantic young couple sitting on a picnic bench watching with curiosity what I was doing. I also had an audience of about 300 seagulls, permanently planted for the night in the sand also watching me. Loons were making their crazy sounds off in the distance. And if that wasn't enough, I could see the constant flashing of lightning off in the distance, reflecting a fiery red yellow and orange color in the sky and off the lake......
Being out tonite was a bonus....finding a silver ring was just icing on a cake.
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Being out tonite was a bonus....finding a silver ring was just icing on a cake.
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