I spent the afternoon water hunting. The MAX is different then the AT Pro. Much more sensitive to wave action. At 7/8 bars, the coil would false a bit, reacting to the water turbulence. This was manageable if you really slowed down. I tried this for about an hour, in a heavily trashed iron area, with the iron audio turned on. I got my usual high pitch barks along with iron grunts, usually defining a Canadian coin, which it usually was. At one point I got a nice high pitch audio, with no iron grunts, and I was very surprised to get a US Buffalo Nickel. That was my second Buffalo nickel I dug in the last 22 years. What a beautiful looking coin! Never mind, that I have made lots of Buffalo Jerky too! Later on, I got a high signal, VDI of 76, clear signal in all directions. I was guessing "GOLD"........I was wrong with the gold, but got a beautiful tungsten carbide ring. A lot of the coins I dug were in the 8" depth......I like it!