Two of the main questions to ask yourself is what are you interested in finding and where do you think you will be hunting the most.
- Clad coins, old coins, relics, jewelry ?
- Parks, Fields, Tot lots, Fresh water beach, salt water beach ?
Then ask yourself how much are you willing to spend on your initial investment. Remember, this is one investment that can actually pay for itself the very first time you use it. Do not buy a cheap, foreign unit that will break, does not have a warranty and has not been proven. If you can't afford one of the name brand units now, save your money until you can.
Research the forums and you will start to discover what machine may be a fit for you. What are the features of a unit that YOU like. Don't worry about what others are the one using it. If you think you want a metered unit...go for it. No meter...fine. Check out what the coil designs are on the units...some mainly use DD coils, others use concentric. If you are really going to be into water hunting, a waterproof machine is a must.
Lots of variables to think about...that's part of the fun. But the real fun is getting out there with whatever unit you get, dig all the targets to get a feel for the machine and the most important part is to HAVE FUN.
I will guarantee you this...if you get hooked on the hobby, then over the course of the years, you will have used more than one machine and will probably have more than one in your possession ! Trust me on that one.