Just to refresh your memory here is your response to my post on that other forum ...
"Hi SteveP, :042::042:
I own and hunt with the Ace 250 with 9 x 12 coil. (Exclusive beach hunter)
As my wife does too and she's real good at it. :061::061::061::061::061:
Regularly I can hit coins similar in size to a dime at 12 inches,
sometimes going for iffy signals a coin at 14 inches. (sometimes)
I believe in my Ace and so I am also a Garrett believer.
OK, I know it takes a lot of practice to get that good, :158:
but with the same amount of practice on the AT Pro International
I'm confident I could do almost twice as good."
Well the ACE 250 isn't recommended for the surf either and since you do so well with it I am surprised that you attach so much importance to Garrett's recommended application chart. Since you have the skill to make the ACE 250 go deeper than normal in such adverse conditions it would seem, at least to me, that you should be able to do much better with the AT Pro regardless of what Garrett says about it and beaches.
Also while the price seems a little on the high side it doesn't seem that out of line with the prices that get charged for other US detectors in the UK. All of them cost significantly more in the UK than they do here. I guess the cost of shipping, plus custom duties, plus that VAT you guys have to pay over there really adds up. I was looking at prices over there in several different online UK shops and saw one of the most expensive US detectors cost $700 more in the UK than it does here. Given the relative prices of the machines involved it seems like the AT PRO should cost about $300 more over there than it does here if the same ratio applies to both machines.
So I am a little confused at what you are getting all riled up about