The MAX has software built into it to accept the different Garrett coils for the Gold and Pro. The Nel coils have to be built to resonate with the operating frequency of the MAX, which of course is different from the Pro/Gold. The coil connectors are all the dame for the AT models, so switching to a NEL coil on all three is possible, however the overall performance can be different on all three models, depending what the coil was tuned to. So, you read some stories where the coil worked fine, and others say that the sensitivity had to be turned way down. And.......if the coil really performs poorly, is it the AT Machine or the coil? If you send the pair (AT Detector and NEL coil) to Garrett, they won't cover that with their warranty.
I also found that the MAX is really hot on nickels, which also makes it hot on gold rings. I am sure the MAX was tweaked to perform this way.