I read a story in Readers Digest today about some guy and his girlfriend that decided to go live with the grizzly bears in Alaska...They claimed they didnt need any kind of protection-the bears loved them,and they understood each other.........Well;apparently the bears loved them a little TOO much...
One of the bears ate them...the guy that flew in to pick them up found their campsite destroyed;he barely escaped being on the menu himself-went and got the game wardens and police;they went back and had to end up killing 2 bears that were apparently still hungry......My barber goes to my church;we both sit on church council-he has a married daughter living in Alaska...he says ;in the summer,at a river near where his daughter lives,is a bear warning system....If you are fishing;and a bear is spotted coming your way,the only smart thing to do is DROP EVERYTHING,AND GET OUT OF THE AREA...When his daughter and son in law moved up there,they had to take orientation classes-which taught,among other things:"When you go out into the open country -especially in the summer,NEVER,NEVER go out there without a firearm -because you are considered to be part of the food-chain there"!!

Imagine that-Wild Animals;indeed................