..Last night,I was talking to this co-worker on break time....he says"DID YA HEAR ABOUT THE GAS PUMP THATS MESSED UP DOWN AT THE BP DOWN THE ROAD??"..I said no-whats up with it?he told me he got a tank-full of gas for $8 bucks-its not registering properly...SO:he proceeds to tell me how hw went home;got his wife's car and a bunch of gas cans;and filled 'em up-all on that messed-up pump...SO:Being the nice guy I am ,I seen an opportunity for a "Teaching Moment";and jumped right in with both feet
...I asked him "TELL ME;DO YOU THINK THAT IS AN HONEST THING TO DO???"He responded with"WELL;WHAT ARE THE GAS COMPANIES DOING TO US"?I countered with- Never mind the business morals of that gas station:Was that an honest thing to do??He looked me right dead in the eye;and said"IT DOESNT BOTHER ME IN THE LEAST"...
He also said-quite forcefully-"YA BETTER NOT BE OPENING UP YER MOUTH AND MESSIN IT UP FOR EVERYBODY!"...now for the kicker;He is a so-called "christian"...
He got mad and walked away-there was another guy sittin there that heard the whole thing-I looked at him and said:ITS STEALING;PLAIN AND SIMPLE-AND THE MANAGER THAT WAS ON DUTY AT THE TIME IS THE ONE THATS GONNA HAVE TO MAKE UP FOR IT....I didnt make it down there;but Im sure it was caught soon enough...Its the age-old story:The one that stands up for whats right gets flack for doing it...but thats all right...I got big shoulders;and I would rather be bad-mouthed for taking a stand for whats right then just keepin my wide mouth shut...thats a form of persecution:I guess...