How many times have you swung your coil over a target from different angles, only to get some good.....and some bad readings. Well, there is something you can do to sharpen the reading on the machine......I call it the "Garrett One Step". The next time you get a signal like that, pinpoint it and then stamp on the target HARD, as if you were stepping on a spider. Then swing your coil over it. It will either disappear, (junk) sound worse (junk) or give a clear sound meaning that you probably have a good target under there.
Quite often junk in the ground, including coin sized objects build up a layer of oxide on them, which makes the machine read them as good targets. When you stamp on them, you break up this layer of oxide, and the machine will read it as junk. Of course coins will build up a layer of oxide too, however with coins it reads them as a slightly larger target resulting with your machine reading a much deeper coin.
Try the Garrett "One Step" really works!
Quite often junk in the ground, including coin sized objects build up a layer of oxide on them, which makes the machine read them as good targets. When you stamp on them, you break up this layer of oxide, and the machine will read it as junk. Of course coins will build up a layer of oxide too, however with coins it reads them as a slightly larger target resulting with your machine reading a much deeper coin.
Try the Garrett "One Step" really works!