Weather was nice today, so I decided to go metal detecting before going off to work. Which detector should I use? Choices, choices, choices. The Legacy 3500 or the Pioneer 505? For land detecting, both detectors are almost an even match with the 505 having the edge of a few inches deeper in depth. So I decided to go with the Pioneer 505 today. On one of the two RV spots searched today, I came accross a pocket spill. In a small 3' x 3' area, I got lots of mixed signals,but they were consistant. So I dug them all. I ended up with 1 JFK clad half dollar, 1 1965 clad quarter (missed silver by a year), 2 clad dimes and 4 zinc cents. All within a small 3' x 3' area. In the other RV spot, I found 1 copper and 2 zinc cents. Ya just got to love the Pioneer 505!