...He is very self-centered...He seen a pen I was using and said"I like that pen-give it to me"...I told him.."Didnt anyone ever tell you its rude to ask for something someonne else has?"He said "No-I dont care;either"...Then he said"and I know its rude-and against the law to take another man's wife;but I dont care about that;either"...I came right back with 'YA KNOW;THATS NOT JUST BREAKING MAN'S LAW-ITS ALSO BREAKING ONE OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS-GOD'S LAW!!"He said something to the effect he doesnt concern himself about that;either..LET ME TELL YA ALL SOMETHING:its REAL evident in the way that he conducts himself that he has no use for God's laws-He tried to get me to go out partying with him-He knows about my convictions concerning the LORD-he told me"Someday,you will see things MY way"...I told him "NOT ON YER LIFE;BABY".....Its like talkin to you -know-who
:thebird:face to face...Im not too worried-I have the power of THE LORD,and HIS SON;JESUS;on my side,and guiding me-My gift of discernment tell me he is on a dead-end road---In a couple of weeks;I will be back on 2nd shift...being on 3rd;I see him all nite;on 2nd;it will be only an hour...PRAISE THE LORD!!!