I guess I was puzzled at Loop's comment, but I guess the implication is Gun = Evil?
Sorry, that dog won't hunt in my neck of the woods. I'll take a stab at an analogy.
Sex is a great thing, and many, many people enjoy it every day.
Guns are great tools, we can hunt with them, we can target shoot with them, and we can defend our lives with them. Many, many people do so every day.
You never hear about the evil p*n*s unless someone does something bad with theirs. Likewise, we never hear about the millions of people who use guns for recreation, but we sure do hear about them when some whack-job uses one outside the law.
I realize folks from other countries have in large part lost their right to own guns, and are pretty much resigned to the (mistaken) fact that the gun is the root of all evil. They too have seen their crime rates skyrocket since their right were removed or severely curtailed. One need look no further than the U.K. and Australia to see how gun control (people control) does not achieve the desired effect, and merely serves to embolden those who would commit crimes with or without guns.
It's sort of sad that the tried and true maxim of has been relegated to comic status, that being "Guns don't kill people, people kill people". Notice that if there were no such thing as ANY gun in circulation anywhere in the world, there are plenty of rocks, knives, sections of pipe, baseball bats, ropes, wires, pipe wrenches, icepicks, screwdrivers, hammmers, hatchets, axes, gasoline, poisons, water, and any number of things people can and DO use to kill other people.
Geez, what a sad state of affairs when the data is right there in front of everybody (crimes rates in U.K. and Australia), but people are still willing to flock to the mistaken notion that gun control leads to elimination of crime.
Take a look at crime rates in the 37+ states that allow concealed weapons permits. Sort of #####to be a criminal when you can't be sure if your next victim is armed or not. Which of course leaeds us back to the truest maxim of them all, "An armed society is a polite society".
Therein ends today's reading from the book of cold hard facts.