...she had to go to a memorial service for a co-worker;he was 24;had a wife and a 3 year old daughter...He collapsed and died for no apparent reason on the job;no cause of death found..ANYWAY:my wife said top management was there with her;and they were all dressed appropriately out of respect for the dead....She said there was no arranged ceremony;and the rest of the people there-His wife included;age of 20-were dressed in clothes you would wear to work;dirty,hair unkempt-she said the only thing his wife said was to complain "why do I have to sit in the front row"?...His memorial bulletin only listed his name,date of birth and death;and the LORD"S PRAYER....NOTHING about his short life;what kind of person he was;who he left behind...My wife was very upset about his wife's conduct;how she acted like it was a big bother to even be there-I guess these people didnt have much-she asked me what I thought her problem was...I said WELL-Could be shock but;Dont you have a substantial life insurance policy on you all if you die accidentally?She said yes-AND;they took up a collection at work for her-North of $1,000.00...I said Well,could be all she had on her mind was all that money that was unexpectedly dropped into her lap-And;it could be all them slovenly-dressed folks attending had the samething on their mind....I hope Im wrong in my observation-But,the way the world loves money;I dont think Im too far off...nothing surprise me anymore...