Mike from MI Iron Brigade
New member
Was about to sit down to dinner tonight with our youth pastor and his family at my house, when my older son calls and says that our younger son kody had been injured his shoulder in football practice. He said the coaches recommended that he go see a doctor. So our youth pastor and I headed to the school to pick him up. (10 miles) 5 miles later my oldest calls again, and says do you want us to call an ambulanse? Say What? He says that he appears to be going into shock! I said I am 3 minutes out! I pull in they got him under a blanket, and he is delusional, saying I can't feel anything, I can't see! The coaches give me a quick run down of what went down, we load him into the van like he was on a backboard very carefully. The ER is only a couple minutes from the school. While in route, I phone my wife and say get him on the prayer chain right away. Mean while in the back Paul our youth pastor is trying to keep him alert, which he is not! then I hear Paul say Kody I am going to pray for you! He did, then we got to the ER. A bunch of paramedics do the back board, secure the head thing and get him in the ER. Slowly he began to know people and recall events, then X-rays and such. Doc said there are no breaks! The ER nurse said man you had us worried, you look alot better than when you got here. I believe that the quick prayers healed him! I had never seen him in such bad shape! Praise God for such a quick healing! Sorry it is so long, I just had to share! I also thanked my oldest (Michael) for putting his first aid training into action and helping to care for his brother!