It was a bit invigorating out on the open spaces this morning. Temps in the mid 20's with a nasty north wind made for a wind chill factor in the mid teens. Not all that many targets, either, to help keep one warm. I went back to the edges of a field and woods this morning and did manage a piece of silver. A sterling cross (2nd one in the last week or so) with pieces of its chain. It was one of those should I dig it or pass it by kind of targets. It was a very scratchy signal with the occasional high and readings of 75-78. Never did see an 80 flick across the screen. Finally decided to dig it as it had a little depth and wasn't digging much and frequently a wheat or I H gives those readings and mixed tones. Got the cross and 1 piece of chain right off. Went back in with the Pro pin pointer and found 3 other chain pieces. The chain pieces probably degraded the signal and tones. That all helped me warm up a little. Along the way I did manage 3 wheats, 1919, 41 and a 42, as well as a nice 3 ringer and a few pieces of clad. HH jim tn