Buried Crap NJ
New member
I am working in M6 P1 and which is a copied beach program so I can play around with it. I was in 50 tones and when I tried to change pitch I only could do horizontial tones. Then I change to 4 tones CO instead and was only able to change vertical 4 sections. Question 1 Is this corrrect that you can only do vertical or horizontal with pitch not both at the same time. I was able to size the boxes but wasn't sure how I did it, I think you have to save each change them move to the next, That's question 2! My third question has to do with accept/reject after you move about the screen do you hit the reject button to blank the section out" What if it's a big area just make the Pixels bigger and go for it. Is that the fastes way to blank out big aera's?
Thanks for any help that can be shared. This is my first computer based detector and I am at the bottom of the curve!
Thanks for any help that can be shared. This is my first computer based detector and I am at the bottom of the curve!