Of the Americans polled:
Southern - 53% (This could have had 8 sub-catergories alone - No wonder we won! Here...have y'all some swate tay, it'll cool y'all off a spell! )
[attachment 11907 SouthernSweetTea.jpg]
Midwestern - 20% (Think Johnny Carson, Cheeseheads, Polka and Da Bayers here by yumpin' yimminy!)
[attachment 11899 Midwesternband.jpg]
New England - 11% (Aye Yah!)
[attachment 11901 NewEnglandFarmer.jpg]
Southwestern - 7% (Don't know if they meant Mexican, Navajo or Texas laced? We love what you guys did with the landscaping. Pass the jalepenos, will ya? )
[attachment 11902 SouthwesternNavajo-Woman.jpg]
New Yorker - 6% (Ayyyy...I gots yo accent right heah. Guess that's why they're always talkin' to the hand. )
[attachment 11900 NewYorkCop.jpg]
Northwestern - 4% (Yeahhhh...RIGHT! What freakin' accent? That's a lisp! I DARE ya to Google Image "Seattle Pride." Pretty country, though. )
[attachment 11904 Northwesterners.jpg]
Of the Europeans Polled:
Southern - 87% (Probably the ONLY accent 5 out of 10 of them could correctly identify, period. )
New Yorker - 10% (Credit Satellite TV & the Sopranos)
Southwestern - 3% (Yo Quiero los Tacos y Enchiladas!)
Of course, who am I to speak (with or without an accent) I could tell a Bavarian from a Berliner in Germany or a someone from Cornwall from someone else in Bristol...though I CAN tell a person from Liverpool and East London (Cockney).
Well...that's it for today's lesson in "American Culture - Foreign and Self Perceptions". Stay Tuned!
Southern - 53% (This could have had 8 sub-catergories alone - No wonder we won! Here...have y'all some swate tay, it'll cool y'all off a spell! )
[attachment 11907 SouthernSweetTea.jpg]
Midwestern - 20% (Think Johnny Carson, Cheeseheads, Polka and Da Bayers here by yumpin' yimminy!)
[attachment 11899 Midwesternband.jpg]
New England - 11% (Aye Yah!)
[attachment 11901 NewEnglandFarmer.jpg]
Southwestern - 7% (Don't know if they meant Mexican, Navajo or Texas laced? We love what you guys did with the landscaping. Pass the jalepenos, will ya? )
[attachment 11902 SouthwesternNavajo-Woman.jpg]
New Yorker - 6% (Ayyyy...I gots yo accent right heah. Guess that's why they're always talkin' to the hand. )
[attachment 11900 NewYorkCop.jpg]
Northwestern - 4% (Yeahhhh...RIGHT! What freakin' accent? That's a lisp! I DARE ya to Google Image "Seattle Pride." Pretty country, though. )
[attachment 11904 Northwesterners.jpg]
Of the Europeans Polled:
Southern - 87% (Probably the ONLY accent 5 out of 10 of them could correctly identify, period. )
New Yorker - 10% (Credit Satellite TV & the Sopranos)
Southwestern - 3% (Yo Quiero los Tacos y Enchiladas!)
Of course, who am I to speak (with or without an accent) I could tell a Bavarian from a Berliner in Germany or a someone from Cornwall from someone else in Bristol...though I CAN tell a person from Liverpool and East London (Cockney).
Well...that's it for today's lesson in "American Culture - Foreign and Self Perceptions". Stay Tuned!