PSS, I'm not a good gauge to go by regarding this subject... I love the scarey side of life, perhaps more than most, I was a grave digger, really, an actually grave digger who dug them by hand, spent a lot of time in boneyards all alone in the dark, deep down in the I get pretty geeked when something out of the ordinary spiritually occurs that can make my hair stand up, think of me as a longtime 'spiritual alcoholic' in this takes quite a bit for somebody with my practice, liver, and overall body tolerance to knock me off my answer your question, to me, GOLD trumps all fears!

Cash that baby in!
I'm not overtly superstitious, but I appreciate the flavor, the unseen spirit forces that may harm or protect us, I hunt for stiffs on purpose, the ones that drown in the Big Lake primarily, hopefully wearing gold....I will not play with a Ouigi board though, or a lot of other devilish things, such as Masons or the Kiwanis club, who wants to pisss away good gold hunting times raising money for orphans?..

. Spirits are indeed real, good and will see someday....they can lead you to gold, or death...we are such an easy mark, I bet they have their own Forum someplace posting pics of us and tips and all!
Where GOLD is concerned, I will target the people that wear it and hunt them down if I can, dead or alive...In fact, I'd pull Anton Lavey's gold teeth on Halloween at midnight without a worry in the world of any retribution...and I'd likely rob a herd of modern Druids at Stonehenge on the solstice if they were wearing gold, and acting all stupid and Hippyish..

.I dare say I'd make a run at snatching Mr. T's chains if the opportunity presented itself, or even the Popes golden stink pot, right there at St Peters in Rome on Easter Sunday!...televised!..snatch it out of the head alter boys hands and make a break for the door with that golden smokey football, like some sort of unintended holy firework display gone awry! I'm an all purpose spiritual opportunist when it comes to GOLD!..

.. I'm not a good normal Human as I've abundantly made quite clear on this Forum...
I've seen plenty of spooks, living and dead and for some reason I get a pass with them..a guy can actually be invisible to the present and past if he moves fast and quiet, and has a few heavy hitters on the good spiritual side that plow the road and cover matter, it may be all bullcrappery, an unmeasurable and unprovable concept...but it works for me, and I really like it!..

. A good warning for those of you less protected and spiritually tolerant...anything of a goldish or silvery nature you find thats sort of devilly..throw it back!..this is not the realm for amateurs!

And for gosh sakes, If you are ever in Rome on Easter, dont get in my way, stay right there in the pew and keep your head will seriously ruin a really great post!...