While cleaning out the ditch in front of a home I used to own in West Branch,Michigan,I came across a cottage cheese bottle.It is the kind that takes a paper lid top,and everything...Dairys name,owners name,phone#(175),the words Cottage Cheese,and 12 oz.liquid,,all embossed into the bottle,no labels.I contacted the historical society there a couple years ago,and they told me the 3-digit phone#,goes back to the late 30s,early40s,and that they have some info on the dairy,and were VERY interested in seeing this bottle,because I had the only known example of ANY bottle,connected with this dairy.It is a very nice looking bottle,with the name embossed into the bottom of the bottle,Sunnyside Dairy,as 2 very large SS,,,and also,the word"duraglas" embossed into the bottle.I will try to get pictures on here......