Do a search for Ferrous Hound. This is a passive sensor that can be mounted on the loop or lower rod of a PI or VLF, and it emits no field.
A small control box mounts to your detector, and it gives its own separate audio signal-if the target is iron; conductive targets cause no response. It can be used full time or as needed. You might hunt in all metal, or just tag all iffy signals in discriminate, then sweep them later. Its made by a company called Reeve Jones, and list for less than $500. Anyway, its new technology and you will enjoy reading about it.
A small control box mounts to your detector, and it gives its own separate audio signal-if the target is iron; conductive targets cause no response. It can be used full time or as needed. You might hunt in all metal, or just tag all iffy signals in discriminate, then sweep them later. Its made by a company called Reeve Jones, and list for less than $500. Anyway, its new technology and you will enjoy reading about it.