I have done all the conventional research, Sandborn maps, local research in the local libraries etc. It has, indeed, led to productive sites but I wanted much more! I have learned, by a stroke of luck, a very productive way to find old home and ghost town sites. I was talking to a co- worker and he was telling me about a barn at his hunting camp was made of rough honed log timbers. I am not a hunter of deer but THAT grabbed my attention right off. I asked If I could go to one of their work days and afterwards survey the land. They worked my butt off but in the end I was granted access to metal detect the lands that they leased. I found five old structures and what must have been an old train stop. I talked to all my deer hunting buddies and they all have some sort of old sites for me to hunt. I asked one to tell me if their were any unusual plants or trees in the area he hunted. His answer was no, not really, but there is some day Lillie's and a Peach tree over the ridge....BINGO! I know this may be old news to some but I thought it may help some others. Happy hunting to all