Well I managed some detecting today, in the blowing snow and cold. I was contracted to put on a deck last fall but the owner put it off until now. Nice time to do that sort of thing, in the middle of the worst winter in who knows how long, but I needed the work. I managed to snowblow a work area and realized the concrete piers the builder installed were encased in 6" of ice and not visible. I remembered the builder had put a galvanized bolt in the top of each one. X-Terra to the rescue...it was a cinch to find the center of each pier with the detector and dig down to uncover them. In case you were wondering, the bolts ID at -4. I marked the piers with a stick in case we get more snow before I actually build the deck (we will). 14 more inches and we will set a new record that has stood since 1873 (we will). Yahoo. Ron