It got up into the 40s and I figured, what the heck? I stayed very close to home, figuring an hour would be it. I was out for an hour and 15 minutes before I got tired of chipping items from the frozen playground. First hunt in 4 weeks and it sure felt good to stretch out the old detecting muscles. A few cool finds. Irish (I was just thinking about Ireland for some reason?) Euro coin. Earring. Winnipesaukee, NH pier token. Spoon (Deep.) Some clad. Mostly pennies. Which reminds me.....
The lowly penny. I have this old friend who I recently reconnected with. A librarian. She loathes pennies. She doesn't seem to bear any ill will toward the nickel. She's crazy about dimes. Quarters, well I assume she likes them, it's never come up. I have spent the better part of the last week trying to figure out where her animus for the penny (technically one cent coin) comes from. I thought it might be the whole copper alloy thing, but she collects these little bronze medallions. Sheesh! I'll never understand librarians. gotta love 'em!
The lowly penny. I have this old friend who I recently reconnected with. A librarian. She loathes pennies. She doesn't seem to bear any ill will toward the nickel. She's crazy about dimes. Quarters, well I assume she likes them, it's never come up. I have spent the better part of the last week trying to figure out where her animus for the penny (technically one cent coin) comes from. I thought it might be the whole copper alloy thing, but she collects these little bronze medallions. Sheesh! I'll never understand librarians. gotta love 'em!