Pete in MI
New member
and using other floor equipment. I feel like a horse must feel after being ridden hard and put away wet.
Your prayers certainly helped me get through it. Hope that doesn't happen very often. Still waiting to hear about that machine repair position I had originally applied for. This is a temp agency so will give them a call in a bit and see what the story is about that. The temp agency should get a glowing report back about my work last night. The 3 man crew I was a part of last night included the janitorial company floors supervisor (and his lady friend who came to help because we were short handed).
He was impressed that I didn't just stand around and do nothing after the first break (when he and his lady failed to come back from break in a timely manner). I had gotten on with doing what had to be done and they showed up about 20 minutes later. Anyway I did what I always do - what I am supposed to do and to the best of my abilities and in this case did more than my fair share in several instances. Hopefully the temp agency will hear about all the good things and proceed with getting me moved towards the full time machine maintenance position.
Thanks everyone for your prayers. Thank you Father God for giving me the strength to get through that long night. Thank you Lord Jesus for all you have done and continue to do for me.
Your prayers certainly helped me get through it. Hope that doesn't happen very often. Still waiting to hear about that machine repair position I had originally applied for. This is a temp agency so will give them a call in a bit and see what the story is about that. The temp agency should get a glowing report back about my work last night. The 3 man crew I was a part of last night included the janitorial company floors supervisor (and his lady friend who came to help because we were short handed).
He was impressed that I didn't just stand around and do nothing after the first break (when he and his lady failed to come back from break in a timely manner). I had gotten on with doing what had to be done and they showed up about 20 minutes later. Anyway I did what I always do - what I am supposed to do and to the best of my abilities and in this case did more than my fair share in several instances. Hopefully the temp agency will hear about all the good things and proceed with getting me moved towards the full time machine maintenance position.
Thanks everyone for your prayers. Thank you Father God for giving me the strength to get through that long night. Thank you Lord Jesus for all you have done and continue to do for me.