Hi My Treasure Hunting Friend,
Just this AM I was thinking I was going to somehow have to rebuild my main scoop because the monster weighs over 12 pounds!! (The bucket is over 9" in diameter and the whole thing is heavy stainless. I built 2 of them over 25 years ago.)
I am digging much the same kind of stuff here in Connecticut (some stones too big for the scoop) and at 67 I'm starting to feel it!!!
Wish I could show the beast to you. It works great, but takes a toll on me when I lift and dump into my sifter especially when the water gets past waist deep!!!
I've looked at a lot of possible replacement scoops, but as money is tight these days, I'm more inclined to rebuild one of the two I have.
I was so tired when I drug myself and my gear the short distance to my van that I could hardly move!!!
A lot of the younger hunters out there are probably chuckling at our problems, but we've paid our due as hunters and I for one am not complaining, I'm only looking for a better way!!!
GL&HH Friends,