Late yesterday evening my 7 yr old son wanted to go to a park to ride his scooter and just screw around in general.We ended up at a park perchdoctor is known to frequent.Long stretches of sidewalk,plenty of ducks,geese and other people for him to terrorize on his scooter.Now I have to admit,my mind was more on keeping an eye on my son than detecting (hey,its my only defense).We get there unload the scooter and V3 and hes off like a shot making a beeline for some canadian geese along the sidewalk.I fired up the V3 and start swinging,keeping an eye on the kid to make sure he stays within sight.Im detecting along ,just enjoying the evening,not really getting any hits,just the ocassional falsing which Im used to from running the V a little hot,so I figured I'd try out the High Pro just because I wasnt finding much.Swinging along,in between yells to the son to stay close by,I remember thinking to myself "damn,perchdoctor really cleaned this place out!".About that time,it was starting to get dark and the kid was ready for a burger,so we loaded up the scooter and when I went to put the V in the car,thats when the little box of the DX1 delivered a smack upside my head.Oh well,you know what? It was still an enjoyable evening.