First, as a side note, Ron....I would love to see you use one of these coils to hear your opinion on it and how you think it does (or doesn't) enhance the operation and performance of your Sovereign. That's one field test report I'd LOVE to read even more so then I already do.
CONFIRMED! Just was told Kellyco does indeed have another batch of 12x10s for the Sovereign/Excalibur that just came in very recently! About a week or so ago I was told by somebody they had 16 in stock. Not sure how many they have right at this moment so if you want one better jump on it! I'm telling you, at least to me in my soil, it was like strapping a turbo charger on my GT by enhancing all aspects of performance, and even feels like the machine has been sped up due to the sharper DD line providing faster or more "distinct" reaction between targets when working heavy trash.
So then I'd assume here that first batched ordered after the GT was canned sold quick like I though I remembered, and thus they ordered another batch in. If this batch goes fast I would think that would mean they'll order yet another batch after that maybe.
Without getting specific, here's what I'll relate- In a few years of head to head comparisons with my fellow circle of hunters and there other flagship silver killing machines (to me the GT is a flagship detector as well in it's own right), we've checked numerous undug targets before digging that each other has found. Not once, due to being super deep, badly masked, on edge, or combinations of all of these things, has the GT and 12x10 not been able to see these coins just as well, and that's compared to "best" settings with only very minimal small iron rejection being set up on those machines, where as the GT has all that built in iron rejection.
The sharper DD line of the 12x10 I think makes the GT more able to "see" and "not see" the coin versus the iron masking it, and so why it feels like the reaction if faster between them when sniffing stuff out. The stock 10" Tornado is great at this too, but the 12x10 seems even more "effortless" at such things. And, terms of depth goes, no difference seen thus far between those other flagship units and the GT/12x10.
One other comparison comes to mind that sticks out in my mind- Had a friend call me over to check out what he suspected was a deep silver. As is the norm sometimes, we'd both work our way around that signal and then compare notes on which way it hit well and what angles were nulls or iffy or such. Always the same for both of us.
Anyway, this particular signal gave a good coin hit, but only from one very tight angle for both of us. Circling the target, it would null out from some angles and only give very iffy coin hits from others. So what was it? Turns out it was a deep silver dime, standing nearly on end, and right up against some very nearby iron. All three worst trail factors for the GT/12x10 to have to overcome. Not a dime's worth of difference in how each machine saw that coin.
I feel the 12x10 takes the Sovereign into the next decade of performance in detectors ( my soil), so long as something doesn't come along that re-writes the whole rule book on the limits of the kind of technology all detectors are currently based on IE: Only so much you can do unless the very nature of sensing technology used to find metal is changed to something else other than VLF and detection fields. This coil seems to push that last little bit out of what you can squeeze from current detector technology, where the GT in stock form had already pretty much pushed that envelope right near the edge of "impossible to go any further than this", so to speak...
So bottom line....If you've been thinking of getting one of these coils, better hop on it before the current stock dries up. If it does quick then chances are I would think they'll order more, but having used this coil I'll tell you I wouldn't want to risk being without it. I'd swim to the UK if I had to to get another one...
Remember though, as with all things in life, just because some like a coil or machine and have had great luck and outstanding performance with it, doesn't mean it'll do the same in your soil. I've had this happen to me and wasted a lot of money over the years, buying machines others raved about in their soil that wouldn't penetrate or get stability in my minerals.
Usually those were single frequency machines beyond about 8khz, where my soil and sands just don't seem to care for that. By the time I lowered sensitivity enough to get such machines stable I bought, the depth was pretty darn useless to me at sites that have been worked hard by others. Same deal might happen with coils, or even just your particular hearing tastes makes you not prefer the audio report of this coil with it's "crisper more treble like" response that I tend to like with my hearing to dissect targets.
Just like using a favorite fishing lure, even when another type might be the better choice for the given situation, if you don't have confidence in what you're using then far better to stick with what you do have that extra feeling of confidence with, because chances are that alone will mean you'll do far better with it.
But as a whole, I'd say in all my surfing/reading over the last few years, the vast majority of both FBS and BBS owners who got this coil think it's fantastic, with increased abilities of depth, separation, and stability in EMI or minerals. That doesn't mean it's going to be the case for you though...
PS- Kellyco no longer is doing the Findmall special, at least for this coil on our machine. So don't bother asking about that. Just found that out too...