Tonight got a call from a friend from my church. Our church hosts a soccer program and there were practices tonight. Apparently a child had a pair of glasses that weren't in the best of shape but functional. They were taped together and were the only pair he had with the correct prescription. They fell apart during practice and the coach took the pieces and put them in her pocket for safe keeping. At the end of practice she gave him back the glasses only to find one of the ear pieces missing. All the kids and parents scoured the field to no avail. When the call came in my friend explained the situation and said he told the coach I know someone who could help find it with his metal detector and would love to do it. Well he was right even though it was already getting dark I jumped at this opportunity to help out this little boy and his parents. I found out he had an eye doctor appointment in about a week but they weren't sure if they could get new glasses and wanted to try to keep the old ones for as long as they could till they could afford new ones. Never having done something like this I felt a little nervous knowing I might not find it. I talked to the coach and she told me everywhere she had been with the glasses and it was the ear piece that was missing. She knew it was metal but not sure how much she thought it was plastic and the hinge was metal. After searching the areas she told me I found nothing. I decided to back track and started on the mid field line and walked it swinging the detector on both sides of the line. All of a sudden about 10ft down I got this strong loud hit. I pulled out my pinpointer and started to search the spot and just as I came across it I saw my headlight reflect on something and my pinpointer went off. I FOUND IT!!!!!!! I went to the coaches house and gave it to her she couldn't believe it. She called the parents and they were thrilled to hear I found it. It felt so good inside knowing my hobby was able to help someone in need. Now I know how it feels like the people who have lost a ring and a detectorist finds and returns it to them. I'm sure this could be a start of a new direction for me to use my hobby to help others .Recently I found my daughter's favorite penguin earring she lost while swinging. She said I knew you would find it no worries. I never would have believed I would be using my
Quick Draw 2 to find lost things but when you really think about it everything I find has been "lost". HH