Hay Bill,
I can only tell you about tha basic headphones with one volume knob.
I have tha Gray Ghost and tha Killer B's Basics.
Tha Killer B's are a little lighter and have closer spacing on tha volume
control's notches. That makes it a little easier to get tha right volume.
They both sound close, but I think the Killer B's are just a tad clearer
and crisper.
Tha Grey Ghost block out more outside noise and I really like them
just as well as tha Killer B's, especially in tha winter, or if it's noisy.
So going from one to another is a sideways move.
I have two because I want a back-up. So I got GG as my 2nd pair.
I was not disappointed in either. Quite tha opposite.
Happy Huntin,