I mentioned this web site before, but we have many new people here.
http://pluggedinonline.com/ is a great site put out by focus on the family. It is so you can look up movies, videos, music and television. You can check many different things about them. Movies for instance, you can check positive and negative elements, profane language, sexual content, spiritual content, etc... I think it is a great site so when your kids say can we go see that, I can go take a look to see if it is what we should be watching. Also if a young person asks for a CD for a gift, you can go see what the atrist sings about. Go check it out for yourself. You may be surprised about some that you have seen, or were thinking about seeing! WWJD?
http://pluggedinonline.com/ is a great site put out by focus on the family. It is so you can look up movies, videos, music and television. You can check many different things about them. Movies for instance, you can check positive and negative elements, profane language, sexual content, spiritual content, etc... I think it is a great site so when your kids say can we go see that, I can go take a look to see if it is what we should be watching. Also if a young person asks for a CD for a gift, you can go see what the atrist sings about. Go check it out for yourself. You may be surprised about some that you have seen, or were thinking about seeing! WWJD?