Wayne in BC
New member
Gotta back up a bit here and fill in the blanks, i think i told you guys this but.........
A few days back the wife and i were next to the chicken coop, me with my head in the feed bin digging out some crumbles for the meat birds, herself surrounded by the laying hens who were begging for some treats (she breaks off bits of Rhubarb stalk, yes really, and they will follow her scooter anywhere for it!) when Carol said, hey there is a Bear!
I looked up to see a 2 year oldish Blackie standing 30 feet from us on the edge of thick brush, since we are 100 ft from the house and guns i said "don't move" and reached quick like for the heavy wood splitting maul which was sitting there since i had used it to pound steel posts while moving the wire run now and then.
As i grabbed the maul the Bear just turned and strolled back into the bush.
To her credit, Carol did not get upset or overly excited at all, i suspect that living around the bush with me and her natural tough attitude helps.
I had not really expected a confrontation with the Bear but knew that this meant a problem, late spring, late food source, and a hungry young Bear recently on his own with little knowledge about humans Now also remember that i have a disabled wife who only manages to get around the yard slowly and carefully with her electric scooter, she has little or no protection against a possible threat so.............
I escorted herself back to the house, grabbed my flare pistol and returned to lock up the hens, kinda hoping he would poke his nose out so i could scare the hell outta him and maybe singe his butt and hopefully prevent his early demise.
I get Bears in and around the yard every year and seldom do they ever cause a problem so i figured a chance to educate one was good. Even though i have a long history of hating the critters! Those thieving bandits cost me thousands of dollars when i had the outfitting business. Trashing expensive tents and upsetting horses at night being just a few of their tendencies.
The Bear did not come back. I reckoned he was passing through and after a day or so of worrying i let the chickens back out.
Until last night! After being out in the hot sun painting fence all day i felt like crap and at 7:30 i set the TV box to record the UFC ultimate fighter i was watching and told herself i was gonna lie down. Right, so that lasted 10 minutes and Carol took her scooter out the door to start putting the chickens to bed and i hear her hiss through the open door ....THE BEAR IS BACK AND AFTER THE HENS!!!!!!....
I fly outta bed and in my barefeet rush out to see the booger in the pen chasing the poor fat stupid broilers, then grabbing one! I had the flare gun in my hand instead of a rifle, but chased him and he ran off with the bird in his mouth and i ducked back into the house for a gun knowing he would be back.
You guys got any idea what it feels like to run through lots of fresh chicken droppings in your sock feet?uke:
10 minutes later we look out the window to see him heading for the chicken coop. I open the door with the thutty thutty in hand only to hear my left wing bunny hugging neighbors laughing and talking in their yard 100 ft away through the tree screen, Crap!! So i grab my old Mossberg semi .22. cause they hear me shoot it often and it won't upset them enough to phone the Cops like the rifle would.
The Bear keeps coming and stops by the henhouse, broadside
I set the crosshairs a tad behind that "Mickey Mouse" ear and a quick double tap puts him down like the sack of shite that he is. Silence from the neighbors for a bit then they start yapping again like nothing happened, well it didn't did it? Heh heh........
Carol will be carrying the flare pistol in her scooter from now on as it is a serious deterent to any critter including Cougars or Bears.
I am sure not in the mood physically or mentally but manage to get the carcass into the Quad trailer and pack the SOB out to the back forty for the vultures. I did improve my mood quite a bit after i got done.
Now herself AND my youngest daughter want me to take some claws off him for a necklace.....sheesh, wimmen!
Ya i know you guys will want pics and i will think on it but the internet is a dangerous place..............
A few days back the wife and i were next to the chicken coop, me with my head in the feed bin digging out some crumbles for the meat birds, herself surrounded by the laying hens who were begging for some treats (she breaks off bits of Rhubarb stalk, yes really, and they will follow her scooter anywhere for it!) when Carol said, hey there is a Bear!
I looked up to see a 2 year oldish Blackie standing 30 feet from us on the edge of thick brush, since we are 100 ft from the house and guns i said "don't move" and reached quick like for the heavy wood splitting maul which was sitting there since i had used it to pound steel posts while moving the wire run now and then.
As i grabbed the maul the Bear just turned and strolled back into the bush.
To her credit, Carol did not get upset or overly excited at all, i suspect that living around the bush with me and her natural tough attitude helps.
I had not really expected a confrontation with the Bear but knew that this meant a problem, late spring, late food source, and a hungry young Bear recently on his own with little knowledge about humans Now also remember that i have a disabled wife who only manages to get around the yard slowly and carefully with her electric scooter, she has little or no protection against a possible threat so.............
I escorted herself back to the house, grabbed my flare pistol and returned to lock up the hens, kinda hoping he would poke his nose out so i could scare the hell outta him and maybe singe his butt and hopefully prevent his early demise.
I get Bears in and around the yard every year and seldom do they ever cause a problem so i figured a chance to educate one was good. Even though i have a long history of hating the critters! Those thieving bandits cost me thousands of dollars when i had the outfitting business. Trashing expensive tents and upsetting horses at night being just a few of their tendencies.
The Bear did not come back. I reckoned he was passing through and after a day or so of worrying i let the chickens back out.
Until last night! After being out in the hot sun painting fence all day i felt like crap and at 7:30 i set the TV box to record the UFC ultimate fighter i was watching and told herself i was gonna lie down. Right, so that lasted 10 minutes and Carol took her scooter out the door to start putting the chickens to bed and i hear her hiss through the open door ....THE BEAR IS BACK AND AFTER THE HENS!!!!!!....
I fly outta bed and in my barefeet rush out to see the booger in the pen chasing the poor fat stupid broilers, then grabbing one! I had the flare gun in my hand instead of a rifle, but chased him and he ran off with the bird in his mouth and i ducked back into the house for a gun knowing he would be back.
You guys got any idea what it feels like to run through lots of fresh chicken droppings in your sock feet?uke:
10 minutes later we look out the window to see him heading for the chicken coop. I open the door with the thutty thutty in hand only to hear my left wing bunny hugging neighbors laughing and talking in their yard 100 ft away through the tree screen, Crap!! So i grab my old Mossberg semi .22. cause they hear me shoot it often and it won't upset them enough to phone the Cops like the rifle would.
The Bear keeps coming and stops by the henhouse, broadside
I set the crosshairs a tad behind that "Mickey Mouse" ear and a quick double tap puts him down like the sack of shite that he is. Silence from the neighbors for a bit then they start yapping again like nothing happened, well it didn't did it? Heh heh........
Carol will be carrying the flare pistol in her scooter from now on as it is a serious deterent to any critter including Cougars or Bears.
I am sure not in the mood physically or mentally but manage to get the carcass into the Quad trailer and pack the SOB out to the back forty for the vultures. I did improve my mood quite a bit after i got done.
Now herself AND my youngest daughter want me to take some claws off him for a necklace.....sheesh, wimmen!
Ya i know you guys will want pics and i will think on it but the internet is a dangerous place..............