vlad said:
I cannot think of a reason why mechanically/electronically a concentric won't work on a T-2.
Could it be more a marketing decision? With these companies interconnected; the F-75 being more expensive, if
the T-2 had a concentric available and less expensive, users might find it hard to justify the higher F-75 cost.
As its set up now, you have two (apparently) dissimilar detectors.
Maybe Dave Johnson will come on and explain this again more fully because he has commented about this subject before, he was a main design engineer on both I believe.
He is not in marketing, just the technical side and he has talked on forums before about this interchangeably thing.
He admitted that some coils can be interchanged between units, sometimes with no issues, sometimes with some measure of degraded function whether it would be lose of depth, VDI numbers not lining up or whatever.
Don't quote me but I think I also read that he said if you do manage to mount a concentric on a T2 you just won't like how it would work...in the slightest.
It is not marketing...it is a design and programming incompatibility issue.
On the other hand using DD coils on the F70/F75/T2 platform is not really an issue at all while using DD's regarding pop tops.
There are fast, efficient and pretty accurate techniques that let you ID and avoid these things about 95% of the time...I do it everywhere I go since many of my sites are loaded with these things.
I use DD's most of the time on mine but I also switch to my concentric from time to time and I will never let it go.
Not because of the pop top thing but for other reasons...more of a unique response, slightly different behavior and different sounding super sweet tone thing with me because concentrics and DD's on my F70 do sound different and I love using both.
When I put it on the first tone I get with it swinging over that first target always makes me smile.
Fishers and Teknetics machines seem to find the goods no matter what coil you have mounted.
I just love that I have the option to use both optimally.