New member
Donnie and I did some walking in the woods. Lots of it. For a guy who has 20 yrs on me he has no problem getting around and sometimes I have to keep up. Donnie found a few ox shoes while I dug the shotgun brass. We walked an area close to a brook where a lot of stumps told a story of men toiling to fell trees for the forges and perhaps lost a few coins in the process. After digging 3 shotgun shells in a row, I got a hit that jumped between 20 and 22. This usually means a button. I dug down about 6-8" and pulled out what I thought was an eagle button, to my amazement there was a 60 on the front. Well I haven't I.D. ed it yet and my wife is yelling for me to watch Batman Returns. I'll be up to read the posts later. I'm hoping it is my first Rev. War button. You all have a good one.