Well back in June I moved to a new state and have had limited time to hunt a few hours a week, but I have found some great places to hunt so far and have not run into anyone else digging yet. Yesterday I hit two parks with lots of room to roam baseball fields, soccer fields and playgrounds. First park had little to offer other than clad the next park was also a clad bonanza. But the best was yet to come I was getting ready to call it a day whean I hit a shallow pull tab signal but it did not ID like most pull tabs do it read low 30 to mid 30's I probed the grass and hit my target and popped out a nice little gold ring, when I looked inside to my surprise I saw 18k. I have found lots of rings with the DeLeon and they have all been 10k or 14k what a way to break the ice in a new place.