G'day from W.A.
The pulltab on the top row falls right on the 50c coin plus their are many more targets that land right on it.
The large dollar sign with the cut glass in it was the second target i got and was a great omen cause after that the dollars come quick and fast. Its amazing if you travel and you lob on to a town hidden away that the dosh has just mounted up. Makes it all worth while. The large dollar sign come in at 30 right on a $2 coin.
All the other articles in the photo also were equal to a $1 and $2 coins including 50 euro, new zealand $1 and $2, english pound chinese coin, singapura $1,
brass key, lead sinkers, fremantle dockers members badge, fish hook jewellery, and many other targets. I have found a few large 18ct. wedding bands also that readout at 30.
The cheap rings which seam to be in fashion here in oz with different designs on them all land on 32 again a dollar.
Hope this has been a help to new users of the 70.
Regards Pinpointa from oz down under.