Hi Guys,
Well i have not got long to go as the internet provider i have has lost the contract to the housing estate on the 27th of this month. So i will be sitting on the fence to see where the best deal will be. Here are a few things i have been working on the piece of rope with the pvc rod and chains hanging off each side is my marker that i drag down the beach so i have my swing marks to a grid so i can cover it pretty well. I have made up a water scoop out of pvc. which originally had a open end so i have converted it so it can catch the goodies and you dont have to drag your scoop behind you you can have it right next to the detector and also run the detector over the scoop to see if you have the target. Another thing is the stems in salt water deterates even if you hose them down so i have made up a stem all pvc. with a wooden broom handle in side and i have got the 6 inch dd with the tesoro coil cover just with a bit of double sided tape to make up the right size and it fits like a glove. And finally working on converting the exterra 70 into a water detector the problem being to get the right size polycarbonate box to put it in and to me working in water the less holes in the box the safer you are. If you could remove the stem that the control box sits on it would be a breeze but it is moulded all in one piece so i would rather have a bit more room around the control box to do the project. So i am getting their and a few more weeks i will be up and going.
Regards Pinpointa Down Under in Oz.