Here's a few finds I made the other day hunting near an old gold battery site in Central Victoria using my 6T. No coins unfortunately but the place has been really hammered by others over the years so I was lucky to find anything worth even looking at. The metal plate is from an engine maker from the late 1800's to early 1900's who made single cylinder transportable steam engines, so Im told, that were mounted on flat bed wagons. The bottle and glass stopper dug out whilst looking for the hook. No great finds but fun anyway. When I was detecting there a 4wd drove past then came back to check me out, I said G,day but all he was interested in was "have you found anything?" When I told him I was hunting coins and relics he just turned up his nose with a hmff and drove off without a word. Turkey!
Now the other pic is a different story, this guy who got a Prizm from my boss hit a real jackpot find site and well the pic speaks for itself!
Now the other pic is a different story, this guy who got a Prizm from my boss hit a real jackpot find site and well the pic speaks for itself!