Slipped out for a bit and did some digging and found a few interesting items. The 1st pic is of a flat button, the front seems to be silver plate and the back mark reads "HEAT TREBLE PLATED" with a bird top center. Has anyone ever seen it before? It has an early NY feel to it.
The next pic has an eagle cuff, a brass square piece with the numbers "191" on it(any thoughts), and what looks to be the worlds smallest lock. Possibly part of a watch chain?
The last pic has the rest of the finds. A few buttons, lots of backs, belt keeper and some bullets. Does anyone recognize the brass piece with the "T" cut out not sure if its period but it looks familiar?
The next pic has an eagle cuff, a brass square piece with the numbers "191" on it(any thoughts), and what looks to be the worlds smallest lock. Possibly part of a watch chain?
The last pic has the rest of the finds. A few buttons, lots of backs, belt keeper and some bullets. Does anyone recognize the brass piece with the "T" cut out not sure if its period but it looks familiar?