Sooper Dave
Well-known member
It has been an absolutely beautiful weekend here in Tennessee. I hoped to go on a few short hunts Friday, Saturday & Sunday, but I was only able to go on a short hunt Friday evening and made a few finds. I went back to the old farmhouse I went to on Thursday evening and found two Indian Head pennies. This place is only 5 minutes up the road, and makes it easy to go on a quick hunt. I don't know how old the place is but my guess is 1840 - 1850. I went over the side yard I found the Indians in with my 12x10 SEF coil and managed three flat buttons. One still has some gilt left with a backmark of Hammond Turner & Dickinson. I like finding these old flat buttons since they are older than most of the coins I dig. I also found an Alabama Luxury Tax Token, a 1936 Wheat Cent and my last dig was some new silver, a 1950 Rosie. Hope everyone was able to get out and do a little digging.