These area few things that worked well for me--I don't expect them to apply everywhere. This is a machine that because of it's complex signal and processing does not like viscosity--fast water or black sand. The answer is coil control and tuning. I set the sens in open screen in the worst interference zone--the wave break, or on an incline to deeper water. I test with a slightly fast sweep speed--that way there's less chasing down of partials. I stay away from Auto--based upon some testing that "JohhnyAngelo" did showing that "22" manual is optimum although "20" or with the 17"-- "19" are more typical. Having set the sens in open screen, where there is really bad ground I go to a second screen that has some rejection--like Jays gold or the box that Andy uses for his gold prog. Jays pattern makes a great screener although nearby iron or the depth of a response may make a good target sound off weakly. Going between open and closed screen will give a lot of information about a response too. I also like Evan's method of going between combined and 50TC to get an idea of how consistent a response is. As a search mode, these screeners require an even slower sweep speed. The "Previous Mode" setting is handy in that it lets you test a second program alongside what you are running to compare--both depth and stabilty. I tested several this way. Andy's gold was a bit deeper than my standard Jay's open screen but the Pitch Hold changed a lot over non-signals at high sens settings. Drayon's 4TC was a lively sounding program owing I guess to there being no low tones to process as with combined. However, it had to be run low to stop ground noises from continually coming in. I will say though that these "dud, dud dud" sound were not the same as the low conductor "hum" of a "12-01/2/3...." that could be a chain (or rotten glasses). I also tested some of the placer gold set ups I got from Steve Hershbach's Detector Prospector site "Gold High Trash / Gold TTF/ Gold High Mineral" this way. These all high toned a lot although they may have been okay down at "19" sens or lower that wasn't the level of sensitivity I wanted to run. I learned a ton of very effective stuff on this trip wish more had gone into the book although a second one is not out of the question.