A "Forum Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to provoke people to respond. The Forum Troll delights in sowing discord within a forum. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is deliberately controvertial, baiting and pulling people into a "flaming" discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling, a flame war and at best a locked thread or in extreme cases a deleted thread.
Are You Sure They Are Trolls?
One of the most common explanations for the name Forum Troll could be that it was taken from the Troll in Norwegian folklore; a slow, stupid and often rabble-rousing ogre.
Recently, the term forum troll has developed into an excuse for using Master Suppression Techniques on opponents in forum disputes. By calling someone a forum troll, you give yourself and others a reason to ignore, mock, blame and withhold information from your opponent, despite the fact that the person has done nothing wrong.
Many people have been forced into exile from the a forum Community simply because they have been falsely accused of forum trolling.
Before jumping to conclusions, and accusing someone of being a forum troll, be sure to check your facts!
Are You Sure They Are Trolls?
One of the most common explanations for the name Forum Troll could be that it was taken from the Troll in Norwegian folklore; a slow, stupid and often rabble-rousing ogre.
Recently, the term forum troll has developed into an excuse for using Master Suppression Techniques on opponents in forum disputes. By calling someone a forum troll, you give yourself and others a reason to ignore, mock, blame and withhold information from your opponent, despite the fact that the person has done nothing wrong.
Many people have been forced into exile from the a forum Community simply because they have been falsely accused of forum trolling.
Before jumping to conclusions, and accusing someone of being a forum troll, be sure to check your facts!