Hi Luke. After all my years of detecting 20+ I'm still looking for the holy grail of Indian heads 1877. I have found quite a few semi keys but not that one. I usually only count my silver coins and Indian heads throughout a season, so far this season I'm up to 46 silver coins and 54 Indian heads. It has been a real good year for coins I owe most of my success to the AT PRO I've really only been hunting spots, (parks/etc.) that I've been hunting for years with various other machines. The ATP is just very very good at finding the old ones in my trash filled parks, as long as you go slow and listen close.
Just find yourself some old areas where people gathered, parks, picnic groves, fair grounds etc. go slow and listen for those very faint high tones, I don't really even pay much attention to the numbers anymore, just the smooth deep repeatable signals. Heck being down in Florida you should be able to find yourself some of that nice old Spanish silver. Good luck, I'll be looking for your posts and pics of your loot.
HH Butch NY