I am down South... Mississippi, Louisiana... Metal detecting down here is a bit of a rarity... I have only seen two others detecting in the past few years. No one here seems to mind. I police up the garbage as I go and hand business cards out to anyone I speak to, and offer them free assistance with locating property markers of lost items...etc., and I always take the time to show kids how it all works, if they are around.... so I think maybe those who are not completely sold on the idea, are hopefully won over by me... if I find I am in a place where someone doesn't want me to be, then I just move on to somewhere else even though I am not required to do so... The list of places to detect is endless... and I don't want to argue with anyone over ignorant nonsense... A woman approached me yesterday and I could tell she was kind of unhappy that I was there, but after I talked to her for a minute and offered to help her out if she ever lost anything, she brightened right up.... I think that most people believe that I work for the utility/water company, I have had several folks stop and ask me about where to pay bills and such.... The simple fact is that its public access, and anyone who opposes it is usually unaware, and can easily be informed.... I also respect those people who have taken the time to plant, garden, mow their curb strips , and typically pass them by if they are very nicely kept in front of a private residence.