My buddy and I headed out this morning for a little gold sluicing and relic hunting in mind. Great weather too, as temps were at or just above freezing. Here's the area we played at today.
We spent the first part of the day setting up my ground sluice and shovelling gravel. Because we had to build a makeshift dam in the creek to get the sluice functioning properly, we ended up eventually filling our rubber boots with water, so the digging episode only lasted a couple of hours. As I write this at midnight, I still haven't cleaned up my black sand, but I plan on doing a video of this adventure in the next couple of days.
We did manage to find a couple pieces of petrified dino bones in the creek. Those are always a welcomed find for me.......
After we called it quits in the creek, we feasted on some nice home made sweet and spicy jerky along with some pretzels from a local bakery. We then did some relic hunting in the area near the creek......
Here's the finds from the nearby area. That trap was dug beside a tree about 8" deep. Funny thing is, it was never sprung so it seized up from the rust in baited position.......
Well, that pretty well wrapped up the adventure for another day! Spring is coming.