I hunt mostly in All Metal Mode, anywhere I go. But when I'm detecting the goldfields, and there's a lot of iron trash to read through, I will refer to a setting which I cross saved from coin/jewelry mode where I've discriminated out -10 to -8 and +40. Some of the old coins, like pennies will give a reading of 39, which is a bit unusual, because they tend to read 37 or 38, but 37 for stable readings. But I won't use discrimination in ground where I definitely know I'm going to find old chinese coins that'll give reading of either -2 or -5, or +19 to +24. The same age minted coins of the late 1600's, minted during the reign of an empereror, made of the same metal, usually bronze, sometimes copper, or a mixture, will give odd and different readings, when you might expect them to read similar, or in the positive. I truly believe that ground conditions, the consistancy of the soil, and possibly wear and tear on the coin, attributes to these readings.
I know I'm going on here, but some of you may have experienced this.
In one area, in black soil, wet and damp, the coins came out at -2 or -5 quite consistantly. But above the same site I'm detecting, where it's leveled, the ground is drier, the coins come out reading at +19 to +21. The coins are in better nick, than the coil from the damp soil below. I've found this to be the case over and over, detecting that particular site. Yet in another area, where the soil is browner, softer, like once cultivated soil, the same year minted coins found, come out reading at +29. Difference in sizes of the coins made no difference to the readings. A smaller coin would read in at the same as a larger coin, found in the same ground. And in all this, the Quattro is giving me different tones for different readings, if only slightly, from a dull, deeper signal to a higher but more even signal. Enough said!