...I talked to a co-worker last night that almost died from a blood clot about 18 months ago;we started talking about near death experiences.I related my mother's experience and how she seen her destination;and thats when the doctors brought her back...My co-worker said"Yes-at the end there was no pain;and a feeling of warmth and serenity-The sky was a blue like I have NEVER seen-A man;whom I dont know;met me at the bridge and said to him "THIS IS WHERE WE CROSS OVER"...and thats when the Dr.zapped me back into life..."The bottom line is;he said
ONT BE AFRAID OF THE HAND OF DEATH WHEN IT COMES KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR-OPEN THE DOOR;AND WELCOME IT IN...thgere were a few men sitting around the tasble listening;when I said:"SUCH IS THE FATE OF THE PERSON THAT HAS JSEUE AS THEIR SAVIOR"...Another man said the equivatent of "AMEN"...the other man sitting there;whom I do not think has made that decision;was sitting there silent;taking in every word....For all of us;the hand of death gets closer with every passing day...If somebody told me I was gonna die in a week;I think the first thing I would say was WHY WAIT THAT LONG?LETS GO NOW!!!Nothing on this old Earth would make me want to stay here;the way it is now;forever...I said a prayer long ago at my mother's and father's gravesite that;when my time comes;they are the ones that escort me into the prescence of the Father and the Son...